Vergers’ Guild

Welcome to the Walter Mace Chapter of the Vergers’ Guild of the Episcopal Church.

The mission of our Chapter is to provide support to those who are serving as vergers, to answer questions about our ministry and to provide resources including training. This is your Diocesan Chapter of the National Guild so let us know your  ideas and needs. All vergers, and those interested, are encouraged to attend our meetings.

What is a Verger?

A verger is a member of a church who works under the direction of their rector, vicar, or priest-in-charge, to assist with the organization and operation of worship services in the Episcopal Church.

We have meetings quarterly with the first quarter meeting being our annual seminar.

For more information about our chapter, please visit our website or contact our Chapter President, Richard Evans

More information about the Conference and registration are available on the National Vergers Guild website.


  • President: Jane Leizear
  • Vice-President: George Richter
  • Secretary/Treasurer: Vyonne Carter-Johnson
  • Training Officer: Mark Marmon
  • Communications Officer: Tamara Clothier

The Vergers Guild of the Episcopal Church 

The Church of England Guild of Vergers  

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