Deacons’ Ordination
If you would like to donate to the Deacons’ Ordination Offering / Discretionary Fund click the button below.
Disaster Outreach fund
Your donation to the Disaster Outreach Fund helps us help those most in need after a disaster.
FIND School for Spiritual Direction and Formation
FIND School for Spiritual Direction and Formation teaches people the art of listening with a “holy ear,” leading to ministries that help individuals and communities experience a deeper relationship with God.
St. Vincent’s House
Donations support ministry to underserved people on Galveston Island, including a preschool and clinic.
In Honor / Memory
A memorial gift is a beautiful testament to the life of a beloved family member or friend who has passed on.
Seafarers center
Founded by Episcopalians more than half a century ago, this Port of Houston ministry assists seafarers arriving from around the globe.
World Mission
Donations support scholarships for mission trips to partner dioceses in Central America, Africa and the U.S.
El Buen Samaritano
Donations help support the ministry of this Episcopal social service agency and clinic for Hispanic in Austin.
Other Gifts / Donations
Donations support ministries in 153 churches, 67 schools, 11 institutions and surrounding communities in the central and eastern 57 counties of Texas.
Please make checks payable to The Episcopal Diocese of Texas, marked e.g. “Houston area flood relief,” and mail to 1225 Texas St., Houston, TX 77002.
If you,
- work for a matching company
- would like to make my contribution in stock
- want to make a provision for a gift in my will
Please contact David Fisher, Director of Foundations, 713.520.6444 ext. 1043.