The Episcopal Diocese of Texas respects the dignity of every human being. We want our congregations and communities to be safe spaces for all people, young and old.
All sexual abuse, sexual exploitation, sexual harassment in the workplace, bullying, and discrimination should be reported to the head of your organization so that it can be addressed and stopped. A report may also be made to The Rev. Canon Sarah Gaventa, Canon for Wellness and Care and Safeguarding Minister (512.609.1876) or
Any misconduct involving a member of the clergy should be reported directly to Canon Burns.
Reports may be made in any form, but an example of the information to include can be found in this Confidential Notice of Concern. To the extent possible, reports will be kept confidential. More reporting details may be found in the Safeguarding policies of the diocese.
Not sure that you need to report? Contact Canon Burns for a confidential conversation.
All organizations are required to post a diocesan Report Misconduct Poster. Copies are available from the Safeguarding Office. If your organization would like to download and/or print a copy of the Report Misconduct Poster, it can be found here: Report Misconduct Poster
Spanish Poster
Denunciar Mala Conducta
La Diócesis Episcopal de Texas respeta la dignidad de cada ser humano. Queremos que nuestras congregaciones y comunidades sean espacios seguros para todas las personas, jóvenes y mayores.
Todo abuso sexual, explotación sexual, acoso sexual en el empleo, intimidación y discriminación deben informarse al director de su organización para que pueda abordarse y detenerse. También se puede enviar un informe a La Rvda. Sarah Gaventa, Canóniga para Bienestar y Cuidado y Ministra de Salvaguardando (512.609.1876) o