The Diocese has published a monthly newspaper for more than 127 years. In 2011, the monthly Texas Episcopalian went to a quarterly magazine called Diolog: The Texas Episcopalian. This new publication will continue to report news and feature stories on the people, the ministries and the congregations in the Diocese of Texas, The Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion. It will be published March, June, September and December and will be mailed to every household in the diocese.
Story ideas may be submitted here. Deadline for submissions for each issue is the first of the month preceding publication (i.e. February 1, for the March issue).
In a diocese as large and active as ours, communication serves a crucial function for every ministry. Sharing our stories among our 80,000 members is no small task and we hope to reach everyone with our publication, our e-newsletters (the Diolog and, for clergy only, the Out of the Ordinary), multiple blogs, FaceBook pages, our video channels, Twitter and Libsyn (for podcasts). News is published online weekly.
Although not required, know that all contributions to the ministry of communication help spread the stories of transformation in our lives, our congregations and in the Episcopal Church at large. Please consider making a gift today.
For those not associated with our diocese who wish to receive the newspaper, a yearly subscription fee of $25 will be required to cover postage and handling. Subscriptions should be mailed to Diolog, 1225 Texas Ave., Houston, TX 77002.
Donations to the Office of Communications should be made payable to “The Diocese of Texas” and mailed to Office of Communication, The Episcopal Diocese of Texas, Dept. 199, P.O. Box 4346, Houston, TX 77210-4346.