The Mission of Congregational Vitality

Healthy and vital congregations are willing to assess themselves. They also strive to understand their internal cultures, statistics and information about their surrounding communities. They know the need to articulate their mission, vision and values and strategically plan for their futures. The Diocese of Texas recommends coaches and consultants who can work with congregations to assure that this discernment is done well. 

Congregations have financial lives that must be tended. Stewardship education, annual, capital and other financial campaigns are essential activities in congregations. In addition the construction and maintenance of facilities plays a large role in a congregation’s ability to provide adequate space and inviting surroundings.

Every diocesan staff member understands that congregational vitality is at the heart of their mission and stands ready to assist according to their individual expertise.

Need a hand?

If you are a congregational leader and need help with your church’s development give us a call. Every effort will be made to connect you with the person that can assist you. You can contact the Rev. Joann Saylors.

(Please note the links to assessment tools and recommended resources to do this work.)


Congregational Statistics are now available online.

You can choose the year(s) you wish to review, the diocesan summary or individual churches, and toggle between the Membership and Financial Page in spreadsheet format and the Charts Page. To print charts on one page, right click and select print. If the whole page doesn’t print, call Nina Gasper 713.353.2141 or 800.318.4452.

Congregational Demographics

Parochial Report


Take a moment to look at the resources noted as links for our congregations. Hopefully they will encourage and support the vitality of the churches in the Diocese of Texas.

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