Updated Weapons Policy
Section 3.6 of the Clergy Manual
The Episcopal Diocese of Texas does not permit any person, including clergy, staff, students, volunteers, and visitors, to carry a weapon in our churches or schools. This prohibition applies even if the person is licensed to carry a concealed weapon under Texas law.
Read: Letter from Bishop C. Andrew Doyle | Carta del Obispo C. Andrew Doyle
Read: Prohibiting Handguns On Church Campuses— Chancellor’s Recommendations For Complying With Texas Law
As noted in the chancellor’s explanation, there are three ways to legally give notice: (1) signs posted at entrances, (2) a printed card or other written communication and (3) oral communications.
If you choose to print your own notice, below are several options: a sign (posted at entrances), postcard- and business card-size versions. Please be aware, posted signs at entrances must use 1” lettering in English and Spanish.
Posters/Entrance Signs 30×30
Bilingual Texas 30.05 Regulation Safety Signs
Posters/Entrance Signs 24×24
Bilingual Texas 30.05 Regulation Safety Signs
Posters/Entrance Signs 24×36
Section 30.06 Concealed Handguns Prohibited Sign – 24×36
Download and Print
Posters/Entrance Signs 24×36
Section 30.07 Open Carry of Handguns Prohibited Sign – 24×36
Download and Print
Postcards 4×6
Section 30.06 and 30.07 on a front and back on 4×6 card
Download and Print
Bishops United Against Gun Violence:
The Facebook page Episcopalians Against Gun Violence