It is the goal of our Diocese to develop healthy, self-sufficient missional congregations. Below is a brief sketch of the four phases of development of a church plant. The intent of this is to establish the general expectations of the diocese, sending congregation, planter and new faith community.
Phase 1: Recruitment
- Candidate assessed, recommendation submitted to Bishop
- Determination of ordination status confirmed
General location ofplant determined- Planter recruited; Diocesan funding begins
Phase 2: Placement
- Planter relocates (if required) and begins missional work
- Planter begins coaching program
- Planter joins
cohort of planters - Core group recruited and prepared
- Preview public gatherings offered
Phase 3: Commencement
- Refined location, congregation name submitted and approved
- Weekly worship and stewardship begins
- Diocesan funding increases
- Fellowship status granted from Bishop
- Formation of
legal religious entity
Phase 4: Maturation
- Diocesan funding reduction commences
- Mission status granted
from Bishop - Partnership with Diocese for church planting developed
- Parochial status granted
from Bishop
View EDOT’s Church Planting Handbook.