The Rev. Karl Griswold-Kuhn Accepts Call of Campus Missioner for Central Canterbury

Karl grew up in upstate New York and became a Christian at the age of 14 in a non-denominational church. He attended Portland (Oregon) Bible College after high school with hopes of becoming a youth pastor. God clearly had other plans and he ended up attending the State University of New York at Albany and double majored in Philosophy and Political Theory. He was confirmed into the Episcopal Church in 2008 where he discerned a call to the priesthood. He attended Yale Divinity School where he received his MDiv. and Certificate of Anglican studies from Berkeley Divinity School. He was ordained in the Diocese of Albany in June 2011 and became rector of a small parish in Kinderhook, NY for 3 years before moving 60 miles north to Glens Falls where he served as rector of Church of the Messiah for 6 years. Karl has been serving as rector of Christ Church in Nacogdoches since August of 2020 and successfully replanted the ministry to Stephen F. Austin State University (Canterbury Jacks). He is excited to transition into full-time campus ministry at Texas A&M (Whoooooop) beginning March 1 along with his wife Jen and their daughter Judith.

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