In the effort to fulfill the need of ministering in the native language of the people already attending their Sunday services, as well as to serve the families living in the neighborhood, Emmanuel, Houston, started a Spanish service in October of last year.

The Rev. Launce Ousley and Rev. Lizzie Robbins, offered Emmanuel to be the hosting church for the Youth Gathering held Saturday April 20. This was a free event, thanks to the collaboration among Latino/Hispanic churches; San Pablo, Houston, San Esteban, Cleveland, San Romero, Houston, San Pedro, Pasadena, San Mateo, Houston, and Catedral de Cristo, Houston.
The Youth Gathering was organized by various youth leaders from these congregations, supported by clergy and adults. A total of 86 participants shared their spiritual journey in small groups, prayed for each other, and formed new friendships.The group enjoyed food, laughter, and joy. The purpose of the gathering is to develop and equip youth leaders for the mission and fostering collaboration among churches.
The planning team would like to give thanks to Emmanuel for being such great hosts!