An Epidemic of Hate: A brief historical overview of anti-Asian racism in the U.S.


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For the past ten years, Iโ€™ve been facilitating One Human Race workshops using the PBS documentary Race: The Power of an Illusion. In three hours, it provides an overview of racism in the U.S. from the beginning through urban renewal. Itโ€™s a powerful experience. Iโ€™ve found that when people see how the parts fit into the big picture, they truly understand the intentional and systemic nature of racial inequity.

When the COVID-19 crisis hit and hate incidents against Americans of Asian descent increased, I began to construct a short overview of anti-Asian racism. I know a bit about anti-Asian bias through my husband and his family. Iโ€™ve seen the look of dissatisfaction on the face of someone who asked where he was from when he gave the correct answer (Colorado), and Iโ€™ve heard the exasperation when the person asked again, โ€œNo, where are you really from?โ€ People who are more politically correct but still insist on knowing ask, โ€œWhere are your people from?โ€ (When I say Iโ€™m from Texas, no one bats an eye although itโ€™s clear from my complexion that my ancestors were from Europe. No one cares what part of Europe they came from.) I knew something about the history of Asians in the U.S., but I was surprised and heartbroken by what I learned. Iโ€™ve only scratched the surface; I hope this article will make you curious to learn more.

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Reflection Questions

  • What were you most surprised to learn about the history of Asian people in the U.S.?
  • What anti-Asian stereotypes are you familiar with? Are they similar to stereotypes that are applied to other groups?
  • Who benefited from anti-Asian rhetoric and how? Does anyone still benefit?
  • What did it mean to look like an American in the early 20th century? What does it mean now?
  • What steps can you take to become more comfortable with people who look different from you?
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