hurricane harvey recovery

Nearly One Hundred Diocesan Youth Help with Hurricane Harvey Recovery
August 5, 2019
Eleven churches from across the diocese came together from July 14-19, 2019 for Eleven churches from across the diocese came together from July 14-19, 2019 for Missionpalooza 2019. An annual Episcopal Diocese of Texas youth mission trip, Missionpalooza continued focusing on disaster relief in 2019, serving a second year on Hurricane Harvey recovery work. This year, nearly 100 youth and adults volunteered to support this effort. Churches represented were Christ Church Cathedral, Houston; Good Shepherd, Tomball; Holy Comforter, Angleton; Palmer Memorial, Houston; St. Catherine of Sienna, Missouri City; St. Mark's, Bay City; St. Michael's, Austin; St. Matthew's, Austin; St. Stephen's, Liberty; Trinity, Baytown; and Trinity, Houston.