Eight Deacons Ordained at Christ Church Cathedral

2021 ordinands’ with the Rt. Rev. Kathryn M. Ryan, bishop suffragan of the west region. 

On Saturday, June 26, Suffragan Bishop Kathryn M. Ryan ordained eight deacons: Larry Adams-Thompson, Christine Elridge Brunson, Ryan Ashlea Hawthorne, Joel C. McAlister, Jason Phillip Myers, Beth Anne Nelson, Lynn A. K. Osgood, and Jack Mann Karn. The ordination took place at Christ Church Cathedral.

After the sermon given by the Rt. Rev. Hector F. Monterroso, bishop assistant of the Diocese of Texas, each candidate to the diaconate answered a series of questions posed by Bishop Suffragan Ryan during what is known as The Examination. They were asked to follow Christ and model their lives on Scripture, “to interpret to the Church, the needs, concerns and hopes of the world.” As each knelt in front of the bishop, she placed her hands on their heads and recited the Prayer of Consecration.

One of the ordinands, Ryan Hawthorne, is one of the two inaugural Pauli Murray Scholarship recipients. The scholarship named after the trailblazing Episcopal priest, is meant to support seminarians of color attending Seminary of the Southwest. Hawthorne pursued a Diploma in Anglican Studies.

I am overjoyed to be a newly ordained deacon in the Diocese of Texas and I am thankful to have been an inaugural recipient of the Texas Paul Murray Scholarship. I think of Pauli as a kind of patron saint, her dedication to the Church as a home and voice of justice, inclusion, truth-telling, and hope shape my own theology and hopes for ministry. I look forward to curacy at Palmer Memorial where I hope to continue a ministry of justice and love,” said Hawthorne. 

Jack Karn, who was also ordained, and is following a deacon track, is looking forward to continuing his work of inspiring young people to follow Jesus as a youth minister, preaching the Gospel, and furthering peace and reconciliation among Israelis and Palestinians with Jerusalem Peacebuilders. Now that the pandemic is waning, Karn is also excited to get back involved in prison ministry and encourage others to serve Christ in the needy and forgotten areas of our world. 

“Being ordained as a vocational deacon feels amazing!  This is the culmination of a five-year journey of discernment, faith, and service. It was deeply moving for me to receive Holy Orders alongside seven other men and women whose unique spiritual paths all came together at ordination,” said Karn.

The ordination service concluded as each of the new deacons were vested by family members and received a Bible as a sign of their authority to proclaim God’s word.

If you are interested in learning more about the ordination process, click here. If you missed the ordination or would like to re-watch it, you can view it here.

2021 Ordinands’ Placements

Larry Adams-Thompson has accepted the call of deacon-in-charge of St. John’s, Marlin, effective July 1. 

Christine Brunson has accepted the call of curate of St. Aidan’s, Cypress, effective July 1, 2021.

Ryan Hawthorne has accepted the call of curate of Palmer Memorial, Houston, effective July 1, 2021.

Jack Karn has accepted the call of deacon at Palmer Memorial, Houston, effective July 1.

Joel McAlister has accepted the call of curate of St. Francis’, Tyler, effective July 1, 2021.

Jason Myers has accepted the call of curate of Holy Family, Houston, effective July 1, 2021.

Beth Anne Nelson has accepted the call of curate of St. Dunstan’s, Houston, effective July 1, 2021.

Lynn Osgood has accepted the call of deacon-in-charge of St. Joseph’s, Salado, effective August 1.



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